Where to start?

1) Do your research so you have a good understanding of the Paleo Diet. (I highly recommend starting with http://robbwolf.com/faq)

2) Start by eliminating foods slowly. I started by cutting out sugar, grains, then dairy, etc. 

3) Plan ahead! This is the key to sticking with Paleo- plan your meals ahead/make extra and make sure you have Paleo friendly food on hand to help you stay on track. This part is so crucial, and honestly, the hardest part for me. Whenever you cook chicken, grill vegetables, etc. make a little extra so you are prepared. 

4) Don't think of this as a "Diet"- think about it as a way of life...yes this sounds a little lame but it's the truth- don't think of eating this way as a punishment, think of it as a positive thing. You are nourishing your body and giving it the things it is meant to have to function optimally.

5) Try new things! Don't get stuck in the "hmm- I guess I'll just make chicken again" mentality. There are so many different proteins you should try every week and when you find your favorites then you can be creative with different flavors. Pay attention to what's in season and find your local farmer's market. If you have never been to one then I highly recommend it. 

I'm posting Rob Wolf's Quick Start Guide as well, which you should print out from his website too:
1. Clean out the Pantry 
2. Go shopping 
3. Cook! 
4. Go for a walk
5. Sleep!

1. Clean out the Pantry
We do not have self-control. PLAN AHEAD! Don’t have tempting foods in the house. Remove the bread, rice, pasta, cookies, crackers, puddings, ice cream, waffles, juice, sodas, cereals, oatmeal, artificial sweeteners, yogurt, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, canned soups, apple sauce, noodles...all refined, packaged foods. Bag it all up, take it to a food bank or homeless shelter. No, the kids do NOT need crackers and Goldfish. They might actually be healthier if YOU are healthier!

2. Go shopping
Now it’s time to fill your cupboards with food worth eating.

3. Cook!
The majority of your meals look something like this:  4-8 oz of lean protein such as chicken, lean beef, turkey, pork loin or seafood.  Several servings of vegetables, either raw, steamed, or lightly cooked.  Finally, round out the meal with good fats from Avocado, olive oil or a handful of un-salted nuts
such as almonds, pecans, macadamias or walnuts.

Protein every meal  3-4 meals per day  Limit fruit to 1 serving if fat loss is a goal  Limit nuts to 1-2 oz if fat loss is a goal  Beverages are coffee, tea, minearal water. Unsweetened, this includes stevia.

4. Go for a Walk!
Get outside and move. Gauge your fitness level and act accordingly. If you need help, find a trainer or coach.

5. Sleep!
Black out your room. No, REALLY black out your room. No LED lights from alarm clocks, fire alarms, TV’s etc. Do not watch TV or check email for at least 1 hour before bed. Go to bed early, get at least 8- 9 hrs of sleep. You should wake up without an alarm, feeling refreshed.